How to Live What You Value

Values…morals…ethics… the same concept, right? Although these ideas are related, the concept of values carries a different meaning.

stay true to youOur morals, our ethics are in a sense our governing mores. They are the guidelines by which we live and how we know what is “right” from what is “wrong” for us.

Values, on the other hand, are those things that we value in our lives, those intangibles that are important to us. Values represent our purpose, what makes us feel fulfilled. They give our lives fuel and govern our decisions. They help us decide where to place our attention and how to spend our time. They are, in a sense, the priorities we determine.

To understand your own values, make a list of words that represent what is most important to you. There are many tools online to help you with this. For instance, you might write …

  • Love
  • Play
  • Honor
  • Peace
  • Compassion
  • Wisdom

Make the list as long or short as you wish.

Now think deeply about each of these words and what it means to you. How would you rank your list in terms of importance? Think about pivotal moments in your life – what values played a part? If challenged, what would you least be able (or willing) to change about yourself?

When you have become aware of which of your values you feel are most important to you, you will have a guiding light for your life. When faced with important decisions or challenges, understanding how your top values relate to the possibilities can make the decisions easier. And like a beacon, those values will attract those who share them into your life.

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