What is My Purpose?

It became popular in the ‘60s to want to “find ourselves.” Modern spiritual teachers ask us to “go within” to seek our higher selves, and we go on retreats or vision quests to find our life purpose.

While there is still breath in your lungs there is purpose for your life. Your purpose may vary in life but while you are here, you matter. You were designed to be exactly as you are. Embrace your true self and start living your life. Be honest and real with yourself. Don’t spend your life striving to become someone you were never created to be. Beauty comes in recognizing who you are and being completely content with the beauty of your unique self.

Surely you have seen the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” in which George Bailey is presented with a vision of what life would be like for his circle of family and friends if he had not existed. It can be an interesting exercise to “vision” that for our own lives.

Try a mini-life review for yourself. Think of all the people you have impacted every day of your life. Look at each person you have encountered – did you smile at the grocery clerk when she was having a bad day? Did you offer advice to a friend that changed their life? Did your choice of career or work bring a blessing to those you serve? Think of the animals, the plants, the structures and materials, the environment that you have touched.

Take a look at the best qualities of what makes you you. It can be a powerful exercise to do this in front of a mirror. “I have a great laugh.” “I am a great teacher.” “I appreciate my compassion.” “I am a wonderful spouse because …”

Don’t get caught up with the Why you exist. Simply Be and embrace who you are and acknowledge your very existence likely makes this world a little better, at least for someone.

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