The Evolution of Soul Purpose

As we change calendars during the holiday season, many people turn inward and set goals for what they want to accomplish in a new year. Whether the goal is to lose weight, give up smoking, or move houses, these “resolutions” are usually those of action. But what of BE-ing? What of purpose?

You were born for a purpose, and that state of be-ing affects every aspect of your life.

While there is still breath in your lungs there is purpose for your life. Your purpose may vary in life but while you are here, you matter. When you live authentically you live your life purpose every day. You are honest and real, without pretension or masks. You consistently live YOUR values and goals, not those of others. You are content being exactly who you are.

Consider this exercise: do a “life review” of the past year. Who did you encounter most often? What were your interactions like? Did your gift of compassion change someone’s life? Did your choice of employment benefit those you serve? Did these encounters differ from similar experiences in your past – have you noticed a shift or growth in your interactions with others over time?

So, does our purpose change? While the outward events and actions may evolve with time, your inner reason for be-ing does not. Your soul gifts are what make you you. Key components of a life theme that recur may be loving mediator, for example, or compassionate caretaker. You may get great satisfaction from sharing a wonderful sense of humor or a gift of empathy for those who suffer. These are Soul Gifts. They may manifest in different ways at different times of your life but the core remains the same.

Accept your soul’s evolution and embrace it. You are always growing in, and into, your Soul Purpose.

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