How Do We Experience Wisdom?

We often hear the phrase “a wise old owl,” or the “wisdom of old age.” But what is wisdom? We may recognize it when we encounter it, but it is not easily defined and cannot be given, only acquired. Generally, knowledge and intelligence are components, as well as good judgment, courage and experience. Certainly practical, good sense is also a component of wisdom. As the well-known quote says, “Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.”

WisdomA major component of being wise is life experience. It is an understanding of how life patterns play out and the ability to adapt to changing conditions. A wise person is more likely to have strong self-esteem and a keen understanding of his/her own emotions and beliefs. Included in that understanding is an awareness of appropriateness of feelings. In other words, love for someone is, of course, a positive emotion, but it is unwise to deeply love a chronically abusive partner – discernment can tell the difference.

According to a model developed by researcher Mokina Ardelt, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Florida, a wise person seeks understanding, is compassionate toward the self and others, and understands the limits of human knowing.

The therapists and life coaches at Soul Wisdom Therapy believe that wisdom can be found by learning to tune into one’s own “inner compass” for guidance in working through challenging situations. Your innate Soul Wisdom allows you to grow from feeling hopeless or despairing into a space of calm and ease. You can then use that wisdom to identify and release old unproductive behaviors and emotions, and learn a new way of being. If you want support in this process, do not hesitate to contact us.

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