“Mindfulness,” a technique in which you are focused on and deeply aware of your experience in the present moment, has been studied for decades as a path to well-being. This practice is a valuable tool for living a peaceful life.… Read more
Category Archives: Spirituality Counseling
In music, harmony is defined as “chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.” Discord, then, is when combinations of tones produce irritating, dissonant effects.
The same is true of life.
Harmony in life has a great deal to do … Read more
Did you know that rest can be active? Understand that although rest and sleep are not the same, they are part of the same spectrum, with rest being more active and sleep being more passive. Consciously, mindfully resting allows the … Read more
It is common in times of stress to ask “why.” Why did he leave me? Why did I say that? Why is the world so chaotic? “Why” is a natural response to a lack of understanding, and knowing the answer … Read more
As we change calendars during the holiday season, many people turn inward and set goals for what they want to accomplish in a new year. Whether the goal is to lose weight, give up smoking, or move houses, these “resolutions” … Read more
We’re often told to “go with the flow” and accept what is in the moment. Even when you have no control over the events in your life, you do have control over how you respond to them. If you become … Read more
We have written often about mindfulness and being “in the moment.” People often tend to dwell in the past or the future, and rarely the present, however this moment is the only one you truly have.
Pay attention to your … Read more
Summer has arrived, and with it, changes in schedules and family dynamics. Children are home from school, vacations are planned, and seasonal activities abound. How can you and your family be mindful, fully present to these opportunities this summer?
- In
Love and peace start from the inside – you cannot express what you do not feel!
We have written about how to “do kindness” in a past post, encouraging you to allow kindness to flow from within into … Read more
What is that something that brings you the most joy? Is it a solitary activity, like quiet walks in nature or painting? Or are other people needed to participate, as in dancing or playing games? Is it still and quiet, … Read more