A recent Gallup survey found that Americans are among the most stressed people in the world. and that their experience of stress, anger and worry is at a ten-year high.
An annual study conducted since 2005, the Global Emotions Report… Read more
A recent Gallup survey found that Americans are among the most stressed people in the world. and that their experience of stress, anger and worry is at a ten-year high.
An annual study conducted since 2005, the Global Emotions Report… Read more
Much research has shown that, individually, a tendency to clutter and a tendency to procrastinate negatively impacts a person’s relationships and emotional well-being. But do the two behaviors go together? At least one study points to the connection in young … Read more
We can tend to focus more on our shortcomings or failings than we do our gifts and successes. The old aphorism is true: You can be “your own worst enemy.” Why is that?
Take a few minutes to listen to … Read more
Have you ever known someone who appears to have no sense of humor? They seem to have a rather dry personality and take life seriously.
Many of us have known someone at the opposite extreme – they are rarely serious … Read more
Our society puts a great deal of emphasis on success – in business, in relationships, in finances. What exactly is success, and why do some people fear achieving it?
Fear of success is a complex issue. In one individual it … Read more
Most people want to build a happy and healthy life for themselves but find the occasional “bad” habit gets in the way. You intend to make changes but at some point you procrastinate.
It is common to feel overwhelmed, unmotivated, … Read more
Many of us are blessed to work in healthy environments, with respectful and pleasant coworkers and supervisors. Unfortunately, many are working in less-than-healthy situations, surrounded by negative emotion. How can we stay removed from the negativity?
One strategy to dealing … Read more
Are you self-confident? Do you feel strong and capable in most situations? Our society praises strong self-esteem and confident people. We are taught to “fake it until you make it” in situations where our confidence might be slipping. But the … Read more
There is a distinct difference in the underlying meaning of being “kind” vs. being “nice.” Being “nice” implies conformity to society’s definitions of what is pleasing, usually based on a fear of how you are being perceived. Kindness is based … Read more
We each interact with other people in different ways. We may enjoy being in groups of people (an extrovert tendency), or we may feel more comfortable in solitude (an introvert tendency). These two tendencies are opposite ends of a range … Read more