Spiritual Counseling and Coaching

Soul Wisdom Therapy

Spiritual counseling uses the principles of therapy to help you explore any of the following areas:

  • Your spiritual beliefs, such as, Do I believe in a God or Spirit? Is there life after death? What is my relationship with God? How do I feel about my religion?
  • How your spiritual beliefs have changed as a result of a trauma or loss.
  • Your values and ethics and if they feel “spiritually-based”
  • Your decisions about a church, place of worship, or the best spiritual path for you.
  • spiritual counseling and coaching sacramentoAny spiritual or religious resources that support your beliefs, values or interests.
  • Why you are here and the purpose of your life.
  • Meditation techniques and other ways to experience God/Oneness/Spirit.
  • Karma, past lives, or anything related to a certain religion, spiritual path, or spiritual teaching.
  • How to be with any non-ordinary state of consciousness or intense spontaneous experience you’ve had.
  • Spiritual Coaching helps you to create and achieve your goals as you learn to believe in yourself—your True Self—and deepen your connection with Divine Wisdom.


Our Spiritual Counseling and Coaching Team

Our team of licensed Therapist Associates, Therapist Interns and Coaches are uniquely trained to help you with nonjudgmental support as you explore profound spiritual questions and interests. We do not lead you in any particular religious or spiritual direction.

Click here to read about our therapists and coaches to see who is the best fit to help you move forward on your spiritual journey.

Start Your Journey to Soul Wisdom Today
Click here to schedule your complimentary exploratory phone consultation.