
We’re often told to “accept what is.” Surrendering to the idea that “this present moment” just IS can lead to increased serenity. You may have no control over circumstances you encounter but you can choose how to respond to them. Being aware in this very moment of how you feel means that you can act deliberately rather than reacting by default, and indeed that awareness means that you have the power to change how you feel, at least for the most part.

What is surrender? The dictionary defines it as giving up, letting go, relinquishing, yielding. In spiritual terms, it means to fully accept what is without judgment – conscious acceptance. We can’t “try” to do it any more than we can “try” to be 6 feet tall or have blue eyes. Surrender has much to do with a shift from thinking and doing to being. We eliminate the need to please others or to resist or push against anything.

Some spiritual teachers speak about being in the flow of life. Surrendering to the flow means that we can release fear and worry and instead follow the current where it leads, naturally and easily. When we encounter an eddy, we can learn to relax and allow ourselves to go along with the change in the flow. It is often only during those more challenging times, those eddies, that we see the most beautiful things. During natural disasters we see heroism and mass acts of kindness. During turmoil in our health we find more appreciation for the little things we are still able to do.

As difficult as it may seem, getting through whatever is in front of us, even if it seems difficult to encounter, will prove to be a better choice than running away from it. And when you don’t feel you have the willingness, wisdom or strength to accept difficult challenges as they come to you, consider seeking help outside of yourself.

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