Our culture often stresses the value of making “resolutions” for the new year, a to-do list of “do” and “don’t” for our lives. We suggest a slightly different approach. As the end of the year approaches, many people go within, … Read more
Category Archives: Coaching Services
We all know that there is a great deal of discord between individuals with different lifestyles and beliefs. It is easy to become stuck in our perspectives about the world and how we and others should live our lives. In … Read more
It is obvious that each of us is a unique being – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Even identical twins are truly only about 85% identical. So why do we so often compare ourselves with others? “I am…(fatter, shorter, lazier, not … Read more
Are you someone who consistently lives by default? Whatever shows up, shows up, and you react accordingly. Your life is a template; what you have experienced shapes your every day. People who live passively sometimes feel resentful that “nothing ever … Read more
It has been proven that creativity is an important part of establishing and maintaining well-being, and mindfulness is a part of the process. When people are actively creative every day, in even a very small way, they report feeling more … Read more
When you are forced by circumstances to step outside of that well-known comfort zone, you usually feel ill-at-ease, or, logically, uncomfortable. All experiences which trigger painful emotions are teachers, even when you are unable or unwilling to recognize that.
Difficult … Read more
“Curiosity killed the cat” is an unfortunate and inaccurate adage. Curiosity is instead the impetus for acquiring knowledge. The child without healthy inquisitiveness would never learn to walk or talk!
Being inquisitive is its own motivation; when you are curious … Read more
We all know that nature has a rhythm – a time for planting and for harvesting, a time to hibernate and a time to become active. Consider that your body and soul have seasons as well, natural cycles of life.… Read more
We are surrounded by countless sources of input – friends, family, coworkers, the media, even billboards and print materials. How much of that input is based on “should”?
- You should buy this drug so you don’t get this disease.
- You
One of the modern world’s greatest inventions – the digital device– can also be one of its greatest downfalls. As with so many other developments of the technical age, smart phones and tablets can be used in a healthy or … Read more