Clear the Mental Clutter

When you walk through a cluttered home, filled every which way with items that are not used or needed, it’s easy to trip or fall. And the same is true of mental and spiritual clutter – when the mind is filled with old, outdated and unnecessary thoughts and beliefs, it is easy to stumble or lose our way.

We acquire our belief systems from observations of the world around us, as well as from what we are taught by others. When our observations shift and cause us to stumble over our outdated thought patterns and beliefs, it is time to “de-clutter.”

identify problemsIt is also time to de-clutter when we notice recurring thoughts or what is so often known as “hamster wheel” thinking – round and around and going nowhere. This is especially true when that hamster wheel consists of negative self-talk.

And so, how do we clear our minds to access our true selves and our true thoughts?

  • Be sure the physical body is healthy, as that can be the source of some mental clutter.
    Wherever possible, remove the source of the circumstances that add to the mind’s muddle.
  • Stay in the present moment. Many of our thoughts are re-hashing the past or anticipating the future. But it’s only in the present that we exist.
  • Be aware of avoidance or procrastination, as these can add to the mental clutter. Learn to effectively manage time and tasks.
  • Meditate or pray. Creating stillness in the mind is very effective to reconnecting with our authentic selves and stopping the hamster wheel.
  • Practice mindfulness. We have written about this topic before. Learning to live mindfully teaches us to be completely present in the current situation or activity.
  • Declutter your physical surroundings. A serene environment can encourage a serene soul.

There are countless resources in bookstores and online to teach these mental “de-cluttering” skills. When you need more support, Soul Wisdom Therapy is always here for you.

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