“The only constant in life is change,” a quote attributed to the Buddha, but it could have come from any wise sage. Sometimes life will challenge us with unexpected, difficult changes — like a job loss, serious illness, divorce or
Exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of physical diseases, such as heart problems and diabetes. But research has yet to prove with certainty that physical activity can improve mental health. Now a new, large-sample study published in Lancet … Read more
We know insufficient sleep can lead to an array of physical and psychological problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, depression and memory loss. But can it trigger loneliness and social isolation in individuals? That’s the conclusion of a recent University … Read more
Anger is a natural human emotion. While it is unhealthy to ignore or suppress these feelings, it is also unhealthy to act on them without restraint. How then can this “negative” emotion be released in a healthy way?
You may … Read more
We can tend to focus more on our shortcomings or failings than we do our gifts and successes. The old aphorism is true: You can be “your own worst enemy.” Why is that?
Take a few minutes to listen to … Read more
Too often, families dismiss changes in their teen’s eating habits as “normal adolescent behavior,” however experts warn that this may not be true. Eating disorders are never “normal,” and with vigilance parents can help stop a downward spiral before it … Read more
Have you ever known someone who appears to have no sense of humor? They seem to have a rather dry personality and take life seriously.
Many of us have known someone at the opposite extreme – they are rarely serious … Read more
Do you thrive on deadlines and being busy? So do many people. In fact our country’s culture often emphasizes the importance of “busy” as a valued trait, even while marketing increased leisure time activities to us.
Why do so many … Read more
Our society puts a great deal of emphasis on success – in business, in relationships, in finances. What exactly is success, and why do some people fear achieving it?
Fear of success is a complex issue. In one individual it … Read more
Most people want to build a happy and healthy life for themselves but find the occasional “bad” habit gets in the way. You intend to make changes but at some point you procrastinate.
It is common to feel overwhelmed, unmotivated, … Read more